Create fun, young & fresh promotional material that could be used on social media platforms and for printed material for a new Vape Store in Felixstowe. Styling is inspired by the decor of Vape Shack store in felixstowe - pine wood furnishings and hand drawn imagery on the walls.
Styling is inspired by the decor of Vape Store in felixstowe - pine wood furnishings and hand drawn imagery on the walls.
Double sided A5 leaflet with price list and promotional discount.
Illustrations instead of product imagery where used to allow for the increasing range of flavours and brands stocked by the store, but to also appeal to a Vape Stores contempory auidence.
Weekday offers in a similar styling with colours associated to the flavourings. First post recieved an increase in engagment on the companies facebook account.
Editable template for the client to place images of their choosen jucie of the week for facebook advertisng.